Girlguiding Guide Water Bottle

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

Blue infuser water bottle, personalised with girls’ name, Girlguiding trefoil and Unit/Area name.

100% of the profits from the sale of this product goes to Girlguiding.

Product CodeGIR5VUOZ49

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Perfect for camps

We purchased each of the Guides and Leaders that attended our most recent camp one of these bottles as a souvenir. The girls really loved the bottles, and they often make appearances at unit meetings, and now pop up on our virtual meetings too. These bottles are great for the girls either at unit meetings or camps, everyone's got a drink and there's never any confusion over which drink belongs to who as they all have their names on. Also, at large scale events and camps, if any get left behind at an activity, it's easy to see which unit they belong too, so they can easily be returned to their owner. The whole process was great from start to finish, including being updated throughout regarding when they were dispatched etc. The bottles arrived well packaged and they look great! Great product and service, would definitely recommend both the product and company! (29 Aug 2020, 17:30)
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